The NOT gate has a single input and one output.
The little bubble on the output indicates that the output goes LOW when the input goes HIGH.
We can say that the output goes LOW when the input is ACTIVATED.
The opposite happens when the input is LOW. The output goes HIGH.
The TRUTH TABLE shows that the output is the opposite of the input.
The NOT gate is also called an INVERTER. It inverts the input.
The Boolean expression is A = Z
Which is read as, NOT A EQUALS Z
or BAR A = Z
NOT gates
OR gates
The OR gate has two or more inputs and one output.
The output voltage goes high only when one or more input voltages are high.
In the switch diagram the lamp lights up when A OR B (or both) are operated.
In the truth table Z = 1 when A or B = 1.
The Boolean expression is A+B = Z which translated says, A or B high makes Z high.
The plus sign + translates as OR.
AND Gates
The AND gate has two or more inputs and one output.
The output voltage goes high only when all input voltages are high.
In the switch diagram the lamp lights up only when A and B are operated. If only one is switched then the lamp stays off.
In the truth table Z = 1 only when A and B = 1
The Boolean expression is A. B = Z which translated says, A and B both high, makes Z high.
In 1854, a central paper on binary systems was published by the mathematician George Boole. This paper laid out the groundwork for what would eventually be called Boolean algebra. With the advent of electronics, binary systems suddenly made incredible sense. Most electronic systems function on a switch-based system, with current either running or not running. In 1937, Claude Shannon set out the foundations for the theory of circuit design using binary arithmetic. In 1940, the age of binary computing began with the release of Bell Labs Complex Number Computer, which was able to perform extremely complex mathematical calculations using a binary system.
Binary numbers (1 or 0) represent on(1) or off(0).
Typically you work out binary like this:
256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
If you have say a decimal number of 254, to work out the binary code you would use the system above to work it out. So,
256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
The number that was given (254) is equated in the system above if you were to add up the numbers that have 1s underneath them.From there you can learn to translate binary into decimal, decimal into hexidecimal (not using binary,because hex is a whole other language base) which then goes onto C++ programming and all the rest.
If you're working out bigger numbers, for instance 3813, then you need to create a bigger system in order to work out the binary code so therefore you need to do this:
2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
So this is your Binary Code for 3813:
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
If you want to be lazy you can just use your calculator on your computer. You need to switch the view to scientific which calculates binary, decimal, hex and octal. I suggest you make sure you understand binary code first before moving onto hex because the development between them can become very confusing.
Sound Effects Generator
This circuit uses a UM3561 IC to produce four different sound effects.
Nothing too complicated here. The IC produces all the sound effects, the output at Pin 3 being amplified by the transistor. A 64 ohm loudspeaker can be substituted in place of the 56 ohm resistor and 8 ohm loudspeaker. The 2 pole 4 way switch controls the sound effects. Position 1 (as drawn) being a Police siren, position 2 is a fire engine sound, 3 is an ambulance and position 4 is a machine gun effect. The IC is manufactured by UMC and was available from Maplin electronics code UJ45Y. At the time of writing this has now been discontinued, but they have have limited stocks available. READ MORE...
24 Hour Timer Circuit
Circuit : Thelurunk
These two circuits are multi-range timers offering periods of up to 24 hours and beyond. Both are essentially the same. The main difference is that when the time runs out, Version 1 energizes the relay and Version 2 de-energizes it. The first uses less power while the timer is running; and the second uses less power after the timer stops. Pick the one that best suits your application.
By adjusting the frequency of the oscillator you can set the length of time it takes for any given output to go high. This output then switches the transistor; which in turn operates the relay. At the same time, D1 stops the count by disabling the oscillator. Ideally C3 should be non-polarized; but a regular electrolytic will work, provided it doesn't leak too badly in the reverse direction. Alternatively, you can simulate a non-polarized 10uF capacitor by connecting two 22uF capacitors back to back (as shown).
Using "Trial and Error" to set a long time period would be very tedious. A better solution is to use the Setup tables provided; and calculate the time required for Pin 7 to go high. The Setup tables on both schematics are interchangeable. They're just two different ways of expressing the same equation.
For example, if you want a period of 9 Hours, the Range table shows that you can use the output at Pin 2. You need Pin 2 to go high after 9 x 60 x 60 = 32 400 seconds. The Setup table tells you to divide this by 512; giving about 63 seconds. Adjust R4 so that the Yellow LED lights 63 seconds after power is applied. This will give an output at Pin 2 after about 9 Hours. A suitable Veroboard layout for each version is shown below:
How to make Electronic Siren Circuit
The sound produced imitates the rise and fall of an American police siren. When first switched on the 10u capacitors is discharged and both transistors are off. When the push button switch is pressed to 10u capacitor will charge via the 22k resistor. This voltage is applied to the base of the BC108B which will turn on slowly. When the switch is released the capacitor will discharge via the 100k and 47k base resistors and the transistor will slowly turn off. The change in voltage alters the frequency of the siren. The oscillator action is more difficult to work out. As the BC108B transistor switches on its collector voltage falls and so the 2N3702 transistor is switched on. This happens very quickly ( less than 1us). The 22n capacitor will charge very quickly as well. As this capacitor is connected between the collector of the 2N3702 and the base of the BC108B, it soon reaches almost full supply voltage. The charging current for the capacitor is then much reduced and the collector emitter voltage of the 2N3072 is therefore increased; the collector potential will fall. This change in voltage is passed through the 22n capacitor to the base of the BC108B causing it to come out of saturation slightly. As this happens its collector voltage will rise and turn off the 2N3072 transistor more. This continues until both transistors are off. The 22n capacitor will then discharge via the 100k, 22k resistor, the closed push button switch, 9V battery, the speaker and 56 ohm resistor. The discharge time takes around 5-6msec. As soon as the 22n capacitor is discharged, the BC108B transistor will switch on again and the cycle repeats. The difference in voltage at the collector of the BC108B (caused by the charging 10u capacitor) causes the tone of the siren to change. As the 10u capacitor is charged, the tone of the siren will rise, and as it is discharged, it will fall. A 64 ohm loudspeaker may be used in place of the 8 ohm and 56 resistor, and the values of components may be altered to produce different sound effects. READ MORE...
About Zener Diode
The Zener diode is operated in reverse bias mode (positive on its cathode).
It relies on the reverse breakdown voltage occurring at a specified value.
This value is printed on it.
It has two main applications.
1. as a reference source, where the voltage across it is compared with another voltage.
2. as a voltage regulator, smoothing out any voltages variations occurring in the supply voltage across the load.
When being used a voltage regulator, if the voltage across the load tries to rise then the Zener takes more current.
The increase in current through the resistor causes an increase in voltage dropped across the resistor.
This increase in voltage across the resistor causes the voltage across the load to remain at its correct value.
In a similar manner, if the voltage across the load tries to fall, then the Zener takes less current.
The current through the resistor and the voltage across the resistor both fall.
The voltage across the load remains at its correct value. READ MORE...
Resistors in Parallel
Resistors in parallel are connected across one another.
They all have the same voltage across them.
To find the equivalent resistance (the total resistance offered to the flow of current) we invert the values and add them. Then we invert the result.
For example take 2 ohms and 4 ohms in parallel.
Inverted 1/2 +1/4 = 3/4
Invert this 4/3 = 1.33 ohms
A quick check on your answer is that it should be smaller in value than the value of the smallest resistor.
If these resistors were connected across a 10 volt supply Ohms Law says about 7.5 amps would flow.
The formula can be written as 1/Rtotal = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 etc etc.
If only two resistors are involved then use (R1 x R2) divided by (R1 + R2)
For the 2 ohms and 4 ohms.
R1 x R2 = 8.
R1 + R2 = 6.
8/6 = 1.33 ohms
If you have several resistors of the same value in parallel then the equivalent resistance is the resistor value divided by the number of resistors.
For example, four 100 ohm resistors in parallel will provide a resistance of 25 ohms READ MORE...
How to make Resistors in Series
Resistors in series are connected in line.
The total opposition to the flow of current is called the EQUIVALENT resistance.
To find the value of the equivalent resistance we simply add the values.
In this case it is 30 ohms.
Note that, as a quick check on calculations, the value of the equivalent resistance is always higher than the value of the highest value resistance.
If these resistors were connected across a 30 Volt battery then Ohms Law says 1 amp would flow. READ MORE...
Electric Current
An electric current is a flow of microscopic particles called ELECTRONS flowing through wires and electronic components.
It can be likened to the flow of water through pipes and radiators etc.
As water is pushed through pipes by a pump, electric current is pushed through wires by a battery.
Hot water does work by heating radiators.
Electric current does work by heating fires, lighting lamps, ringing bells, electroplating etc.
A basic law of the universe is that like charges repel and unlike attract. Two negatives will repel each other. A negative and a positive will attract each other.
An electron has a negative charge.
The negative (-ve) terminal of a battery will push negative electrons along a wire.
The positive (+ve) terminal of a battery will attract negative electrons along a wire.
Electric current will therefore flow from the -ve terminal of a battery, through the lamp, to the positive terminal.
This is called electron current flow.
The current flows round the circuit.
In some books current is said to flow from +ve to -ve. This was guessed at before the electron was discovered. They guessed wrong! This is called conventional current flow. READ MORE...
This site offered Thelurunk are FREE to you and are extremely comprehensive with over 120 individual electronics tutorials topics covering a very wide range of electronics. It will always continue to expand so come back often. This page will give you a good broad overview of this very comprehensive electronics tutorials site.
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4 channels mixer voltage controlled
The audio mixer schematic we propose is developed arround 4 amplifiers build inside SSM2024 produced by Precision Monolithics Inc. (PMI) and is voltage controlled (VR).
The maximum VR voltage is 5.5Volt. The signal/noise ratio is 90dB and 130Khz band wide. This 4 channels mixer works great at +- 15Volt but you can use voltages between 9Volt and 18Volt.
4 channels mixer voltage controlled
Audio mixer circuit schematic
4 channels mixer voltage controlled
The audio mixer schematic we propose is developed arround 4 amplifiers build inside SSM2024 produced by Precision Monolithics Inc. (PMI) and is voltage controlled (VR).
The maximum VR voltage is 5.5Volt. The signal/noise ratio is 90dB and 130Khz band wide. This 4 channels mixer works great at +- 15Volt but you can use voltages between 9Volt and 18Volt.
4 channels mixer voltage controlled
Audio mixer circuit schematic
1.2 volts power supply
This switch mode power supply circuit require an input voltage range , between 4.5V to 16V,and will provide a very stable output voltage of 1.2 volt . The LTM4627 supports an output voltage range of 0.6V to 5V, set by a single external resistor , so you can modify the output voltage .
High switching frequency and a current mode architecture enable a very fast transient response to line and load changes without sacrificing stability.
1.2 volts power supply
This switch mode power supply circuit require an input voltage range , between 4.5V to 16V,and will provide a very stable output voltage of 1.2 volt . The LTM4627 supports an output voltage range of 0.6V to 5V, set by a single external resistor , so you can modify the output voltage .
High switching frequency and a current mode architecture enable a very fast transient response to line and load changes without sacrificing stability.
Variable switching power supply using LM317
Another power supply electronic circuit that is designed using LM317 voltage regulator can be designed using few electronic parts . This power supply circuit is a very simple low cost switching regulator electronic project that is based on the LM317 three terminal regulator .
As you can see in the circuit diagram this power supply electronic project require few external components and a LM317HV regulator . The input voltage required by this electronic project must be between 8 and 35 volt , and will provide a variable output voltage over a wide range , from 1.8 volts up to 32 volts
The maximum output current that can be delivered by this LM317HV switching power supply electronic project is up to 3 amperes .
C1 , C4 capacitors must be a solid tantalum type and L1 coil must have a 600uH inductance . For L1 coil you can use a Arnold A-254168-2 core with 60 turns .
Variable switching power supply using LM317
Another power supply electronic circuit that is designed using LM317 voltage regulator can be designed using few electronic parts . This power supply circuit is a very simple low cost switching regulator electronic project that is based on the LM317 three terminal regulator .
As you can see in the circuit diagram this power supply electronic project require few external components and a LM317HV regulator . The input voltage required by this electronic project must be between 8 and 35 volt , and will provide a variable output voltage over a wide range , from 1.8 volts up to 32 volts
The maximum output current that can be delivered by this LM317HV switching power supply electronic project is up to 3 amperes .
C1 , C4 capacitors must be a solid tantalum type and L1 coil must have a 600uH inductance . For L1 coil you can use a Arnold A-254168-2 core with 60 turns .
UM3561 electronic siren circuit diagram
This siren alarm circuit diagram is based on a specialized IC UM3561 , which is a low power CMOS LSI specially designed for this type of applications . The UM3561 contains all needed parts ( oscillator , selector circuits , programmed mask ROM ) to simulate siren sound using few external components .
The siren circuit require a power supply circuit around 3 volts and has a low current . The UM3561 siren sound generator circuit has possibility to generate four types of sounds : police siren , fire engine siren , ambulance siren and machine gun sound .
The transistor used in this project must be 2SC9013 , 2SC8050 or similar type .
The speaker used at the output must have 8 ohms impedance and a 0.2 watts power .
As you can see in these three circuit diagrams , the configuration for the siren is very simple .
UM3561 electronic siren circuit diagram
Police siren , fire engine siren , ambulance siren and machine gun sound .
Police siren , fire engine siren , ambulance siren .
Police siren and machine gun sound .
UM3561 electronic siren circuit diagram
This siren alarm circuit diagram is based on a specialized IC UM3561 , which is a low power CMOS LSI specially designed for this type of applications . The UM3561 contains all needed parts ( oscillator , selector circuits , programmed mask ROM ) to simulate siren sound using few external components .
The siren circuit require a power supply circuit around 3 volts and has a low current . The UM3561 siren sound generator circuit has possibility to generate four types of sounds : police siren , fire engine siren , ambulance siren and machine gun sound .
The transistor used in this project must be 2SC9013 , 2SC8050 or similar type .
The speaker used at the output must have 8 ohms impedance and a 0.2 watts power .
As you can see in these three circuit diagrams , the configuration for the siren is very simple .
UM3561 electronic siren circuit diagram
Police siren , fire engine siren , ambulance siren and machine gun sound .
Police siren , fire engine siren , ambulance siren .
Police siren and machine gun sound .
Simple mixer circuit – Common base
The simple mixer schematic is built on common base principle, where input voltages are transformed in alternative currents wich are summed to form the alternative current component for the collector. The total amplification is R6 - Ri, where Ri is one of the input resistors. I’ve build this mixer for a little transmitter and works great.
Simple mixer circuit – Common base
Simple mixer circuit – Common base
source :
Simple mixer circuit – Common base
The simple mixer schematic is built on common base principle, where input voltages are transformed in alternative currents wich are summed to form the alternative current component for the collector. The total amplification is R6 - Ri, where Ri is one of the input resistors. I’ve build this mixer for a little transmitter and works great.
Simple mixer circuit – Common base
Simple mixer circuit – Common base
source :
IRF740 Datasheet , power MOSFET
N - CHANNEL 400V - 0.48 Ω - 10 A - TO-220
This power MOSFET is designed using the company’s consolidated strip layout-based MESH OVERLAY process. This technology matches and improves the performances compared with standard parts from various sources.
MOSFET, N, 400V, 10A, TO-220; Transistor Type:MOSFET; Transistor Polarity:N; Voltage, Vds Typ:400V; Current, Id Cont:10A; Resistance, Rds On:0.55ohm; Voltage, Vgs Rds on Measurement:10V; Voltage, Vgs th Typ:4V; Case Style:TO-220AB; Termination Type:Through Hole; Current, Idm Pulse:40A; Power Dissipation:125W; Power, Pd:125W; Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case A:1 C/W; Voltage, Vds Max:400V
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IRF740, IRF740 Datasheet, IRF740 MOSFET N Channel Transistor, IRF740
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IRF740 Datasheet , power MOSFET
N - CHANNEL 400V - 0.48 Ω - 10 A - TO-220
This power MOSFET is designed using the company’s consolidated strip layout-based MESH OVERLAY process. This technology matches and improves the performances compared with standard parts from various sources.
MOSFET, N, 400V, 10A, TO-220; Transistor Type:MOSFET; Transistor Polarity:N; Voltage, Vds Typ:400V; Current, Id Cont:10A; Resistance, Rds On:0.55ohm; Voltage, Vgs Rds on Measurement:10V; Voltage, Vgs th Typ:4V; Case Style:TO-220AB; Termination Type:Through Hole; Current, Idm Pulse:40A; Power Dissipation:125W; Power, Pd:125W; Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case A:1 C/W; Voltage, Vds Max:400V
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IRF740, IRF740 Datasheet, IRF740 MOSFET N Channel Transistor, IRF740
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Power MOSFET IRFP264, SiHFP264 datasheet
Third generation Power MOSFETs from Vishay provide the designer with the best combination of fast switching,
ruggedized device design, low on-resistance and cost-effectiveness.
The TO-247 package is preferred for commercial-industrial applications where higher power levels preclude the use of TO-220 devices. The TO-247 is similar but superior to the earlier TO-218 package because its isolated mounting hole.
It also provides greater creepage distances between pins to meet the requirements of most safety specifications.
• Dynamic dV/dt Rating
• Repetitive Avalanche Rated
• Isolated Central Mounting Hole
• Fast Switching
• Ease of Paralleling
• Simple Drive Requirements
• Lead (Pb)-free Available
Maximum Power Dissipation = 280w
Drain-Source Voltage = 250v
Gate-Source Voltage = ± 20
Package : TO-247
Lead (Pb)-free : IRFP264PbF , SiHFP264-E3 .
SnPb : IRFP264 , SiHFP264 .
search keyword :
IRFP264 datasheet, IRFP264 circuit, IRFP264 data shee Power MOSFET
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Power MOSFET IRFP264, SiHFP264 datasheet
Third generation Power MOSFETs from Vishay provide the designer with the best combination of fast switching,
ruggedized device design, low on-resistance and cost-effectiveness.
The TO-247 package is preferred for commercial-industrial applications where higher power levels preclude the use of TO-220 devices. The TO-247 is similar but superior to the earlier TO-218 package because its isolated mounting hole.
It also provides greater creepage distances between pins to meet the requirements of most safety specifications.
• Dynamic dV/dt Rating
• Repetitive Avalanche Rated
• Isolated Central Mounting Hole
• Fast Switching
• Ease of Paralleling
• Simple Drive Requirements
• Lead (Pb)-free Available
Maximum Power Dissipation = 280w
Drain-Source Voltage = 250v
Gate-Source Voltage = ± 20
Package : TO-247
Lead (Pb)-free : IRFP264PbF , SiHFP264-E3 .
SnPb : IRFP264 , SiHFP264 .
search keyword :
IRFP264 datasheet, IRFP264 circuit, IRFP264 data shee Power MOSFET
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IRFP250 free Datasheet
33A, 200V, 0.085 Ohm, N-Channel
This N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate power field effect transistor is an advanced power MOSFET designed, tested, and guaranteed to withstand a specified level of energy in the breakdown avalanche mode of operation. All of these power MOSFETs are designed for applications such as switching regulators, switching convertors, motor drivers,
relay drivers, and drivers for high power bipolar switching transistors requiring high speed and low gate drive power.
These types can be operated directly from integrated circuits Formerly developmental type TA9295.
IRFP250 FET 200V 33A 180W
• 33A, 200V
•rDS(ON) = 0.085Ω
• Single Pulse Avalanche Energy Rated
• SOA is Power Dissipation Limited
• Nanosecond Switching Speeds
• Linear Transfer Characteristics
• High Input Impedance
• Related Literature
- TB334 “Guidelines for Soldering Surface Moun
Components to PC Boards”
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Power MOSFET. IRFP250 , IRFP250 datasheet,IRFP250 Pinout , IRFP250 MOSFET N Channel Transistor,
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IRFP250 free Datasheet
33A, 200V, 0.085 Ohm, N-Channel
This N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate power field effect transistor is an advanced power MOSFET designed, tested, and guaranteed to withstand a specified level of energy in the breakdown avalanche mode of operation. All of these power MOSFETs are designed for applications such as switching regulators, switching convertors, motor drivers,
relay drivers, and drivers for high power bipolar switching transistors requiring high speed and low gate drive power.
These types can be operated directly from integrated circuits Formerly developmental type TA9295.
IRFP250 FET 200V 33A 180W
• 33A, 200V
•rDS(ON) = 0.085Ω
• Single Pulse Avalanche Energy Rated
• SOA is Power Dissipation Limited
• Nanosecond Switching Speeds
• Linear Transfer Characteristics
• High Input Impedance
• Related Literature
- TB334 “Guidelines for Soldering Surface Moun
Components to PC Boards”
search keyword :
Power MOSFET. IRFP250 , IRFP250 datasheet,IRFP250 Pinout , IRFP250 MOSFET N Channel Transistor,
download datasheet
The STR-S6707, STR-S6708, and STR-S6709 are specifically designed to meet the requirement for increased integration and reliabil- ity in off-line quasi-resonant flyback converters. These devices incorpo-
rate the primary control and proportional drive circuit with a third- generation high-voltage bipolar switching transistor.
time are fixed during manufacture. Local control circuit decoupling and
layout are optimized within each device.
Cycle-by-cycle current limiting, under-voltage lock-out with hyster-
esis, over-voltage protection, and thermal shutdown protect these
devices during all normal and overload conditions. Over-voltage
protection and thermal shutdown are latched after a short delay. A
versatile triple-level inhibit circuit includes the OFF time synchronization
required to establish quasi-resonant operation. The inhibit function has
also been expanded to initiate operation in stand-by mode in which the
power supply delivers a small fraction of the steady-state output power.
The dual requirements of dielectric isolation and low transient thermal
impedance and steady-state thermal resistance are satisfied in an over-
molded single-in-line power package.
Proven in substantial volumes, these devices and their fixed-
frequency counterparts represent a significant advance in off-line SMPS
reliability growth and integration.
Quasi-Resonant Operation for Low EMI and High Efficiency
Output Power to 220 W
Low-Power Output Standby Mode
Pulse-by-Pulse Over-Current Protection
Latched Over-Voltage and Thermal Protection
Third-Generation Switching Transistor with Proportional Drive
Maximum ON Time and Off Time Set During Manufacture
Internal Under-Voltage Lockout with Hysteresis
Over-Molded SIP with Integral Isolated Heat Spreader
STR6707 datasheet, STR6707 datasheets, STR6707 datenblatt, STR6707
The STR-S6707, STR-S6708, and STR-S6709 are specifically designed to meet the requirement for increased integration and reliabil- ity in off-line quasi-resonant flyback converters. These devices incorpo-
rate the primary control and proportional drive circuit with a third- generation high-voltage bipolar switching transistor.
time are fixed during manufacture. Local control circuit decoupling and
layout are optimized within each device.
Cycle-by-cycle current limiting, under-voltage lock-out with hyster-
esis, over-voltage protection, and thermal shutdown protect these
devices during all normal and overload conditions. Over-voltage
protection and thermal shutdown are latched after a short delay. A
versatile triple-level inhibit circuit includes the OFF time synchronization
required to establish quasi-resonant operation. The inhibit function has
also been expanded to initiate operation in stand-by mode in which the
power supply delivers a small fraction of the steady-state output power.
The dual requirements of dielectric isolation and low transient thermal
impedance and steady-state thermal resistance are satisfied in an over-
molded single-in-line power package.
Proven in substantial volumes, these devices and their fixed-
frequency counterparts represent a significant advance in off-line SMPS
reliability growth and integration.
Quasi-Resonant Operation for Low EMI and High Efficiency
Output Power to 220 W
Low-Power Output Standby Mode
Pulse-by-Pulse Over-Current Protection
Latched Over-Voltage and Thermal Protection
Third-Generation Switching Transistor with Proportional Drive
Maximum ON Time and Off Time Set During Manufacture
Internal Under-Voltage Lockout with Hysteresis
Over-Molded SIP with Integral Isolated Heat Spreader
STR6707 datasheet, STR6707 datasheets, STR6707 datenblatt, STR6707
LM49155 Uplink Noise Suppression & Downlink SNR Enhancement Analog Audio Subsystem
Noise cancellation for uplink and downlink without DSP-type artifacts, distortions or delays
Adapting AGC on ambient noise level & downlink signal strength for earpiece
Downlink adjustable noise-reducing high pass filter
E 2S Class D Amplifier with ALC
Ground Referenced Headphone Outputs with Advanced Click Pop Suppression
Micro-power shutdown

Mobile Phones
Portable Electronic Devices
download lm49155 datasheet
LM49155 Uplink Noise Suppression & Downlink SNR Enhancement Analog Audio Subsystem
Noise cancellation for uplink and downlink without DSP-type artifacts, distortions or delays
Adapting AGC on ambient noise level & downlink signal strength for earpiece
Downlink adjustable noise-reducing high pass filter
E 2S Class D Amplifier with ALC
Ground Referenced Headphone Outputs with Advanced Click Pop Suppression
Micro-power shutdown

Mobile Phones
Portable Electronic Devices
download lm49155 datasheet
Mono Class D Audio Codec Subsytem with Ground Referenced Headphone Amplifiers
Low voltage, true ground headphone amplifier operation
High performance 103dB SNR stereo DAC
High performance 97dB SNR stereo ADC
Up to 96kHz stereo audio playback
Up to 48kHz stereo recording
Dual bidirectional I 2S or PCM compatible audio interfaces
Read/write I 2C compatible control interface
Flexible digital mixer with sample rate conversion
Sigma-delta PLL clock network that supports system clocks up to 50MHz including 13MHz, 19.2MHz, and 26MHz
Dual stereo 5 band parametric equalizers
Cascadable DSP effects that allow stereo 10 band parametric equalization
ALC/Limiter/Compressor on both DAC and ADC paths
Dedicated Earpiece Speaker Amplifier
Stereo auxiliary inputs and mono differential input
Differential microphone input with single-ended option
Automatic level control for digital audio inputs, mono differential input, microphone input, and stereo auxiliary inputs
Flexible audio routing from input to output
16 Step volume control for microphone with 2dB steps
32 Step volume control for auxiliary inputs in 1.5dB steps
4 Step volume control for class D loudspeaker amplifier
8 Step volume control for headphone amplifier
Micro-power shutdown mode
Available in the 3.3 x 3.3 mm 36 bump micro SMD package
The LM49352 is a high performance mixed signal audio subsystem. The LM49352 includes a high quality stereo DAC, a high quality stereo ADC, a stereo headphone amplifier, which supports True Ground operation, a low EMI Class D loudspeaker amplifier, and an earpiece speaker amplifier. It combines advanced audio processing, conversion, mixing, and amplification in the smallest possible footprint while extending the battery life of feature rich portable devices.
The LM49352 features dual bi-directional I 2S or PCM audio interfaces and an I 2C compatible interface for control. The stereo DAC path features an SNR of 103dB with 24-bit 48 kHz input. The headphone amplifier delivers 65mWRMS (typ) to a 32Ω single-ended stereo load with less than 1% distortion (THD+N) when HP_VDD = 2.8V. The loudspeaker amplifier delivers up to 970mW into an 8Ω load with less than 1% distortion when LS_VDD = 4.2V.
The LM49352 employs advanced techniques to extend battery life, to reduce controller overhead, to speed development time, and to eliminate click and pop artifacts. Boomer audio power amplifiers are designed specifically for mobile devices and require minimal PCB area and external components.
Smart Phones
Mobile Phones and VOIP Phones
Portable GPS Navigator and Portable Gaming Devices
Portable DVD/CD/AAC/MP3/MP4 Players
Digital Cameras/Camcorders
download datasheet from
Mono Class D Audio Codec Subsytem with Ground Referenced Headphone Amplifiers
Low voltage, true ground headphone amplifier operation
High performance 103dB SNR stereo DAC
High performance 97dB SNR stereo ADC
Up to 96kHz stereo audio playback
Up to 48kHz stereo recording
Dual bidirectional I 2S or PCM compatible audio interfaces
Read/write I 2C compatible control interface
Flexible digital mixer with sample rate conversion
Sigma-delta PLL clock network that supports system clocks up to 50MHz including 13MHz, 19.2MHz, and 26MHz
Dual stereo 5 band parametric equalizers
Cascadable DSP effects that allow stereo 10 band parametric equalization
ALC/Limiter/Compressor on both DAC and ADC paths
Dedicated Earpiece Speaker Amplifier
Stereo auxiliary inputs and mono differential input
Differential microphone input with single-ended option
Automatic level control for digital audio inputs, mono differential input, microphone input, and stereo auxiliary inputs
Flexible audio routing from input to output
16 Step volume control for microphone with 2dB steps
32 Step volume control for auxiliary inputs in 1.5dB steps
4 Step volume control for class D loudspeaker amplifier
8 Step volume control for headphone amplifier
Micro-power shutdown mode
Available in the 3.3 x 3.3 mm 36 bump micro SMD package
The LM49352 is a high performance mixed signal audio subsystem. The LM49352 includes a high quality stereo DAC, a high quality stereo ADC, a stereo headphone amplifier, which supports True Ground operation, a low EMI Class D loudspeaker amplifier, and an earpiece speaker amplifier. It combines advanced audio processing, conversion, mixing, and amplification in the smallest possible footprint while extending the battery life of feature rich portable devices.
The LM49352 features dual bi-directional I 2S or PCM audio interfaces and an I 2C compatible interface for control. The stereo DAC path features an SNR of 103dB with 24-bit 48 kHz input. The headphone amplifier delivers 65mWRMS (typ) to a 32Ω single-ended stereo load with less than 1% distortion (THD+N) when HP_VDD = 2.8V. The loudspeaker amplifier delivers up to 970mW into an 8Ω load with less than 1% distortion when LS_VDD = 4.2V.
The LM49352 employs advanced techniques to extend battery life, to reduce controller overhead, to speed development time, and to eliminate click and pop artifacts. Boomer audio power amplifiers are designed specifically for mobile devices and require minimal PCB area and external components.
Smart Phones
Mobile Phones and VOIP Phones
Portable GPS Navigator and Portable Gaming Devices
Portable DVD/CD/AAC/MP3/MP4 Players
Digital Cameras/Camcorders
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MAX515 5V, Low-Power, Voltage-Output, Serial, 10-Bit DACs
The MAX504/MAX515 are low-power, voltage-output, 10-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) specified for single +5V power-supply operation. the MAX504 can also be operated with ±5V supplies. The MAX515 draws only 140µA, and the MAX504 (with internal reference) draws only 260µA. The MAX515 comes in 8-pin DIP and SO packages, while the MAX504 comes in 14-pin DIP and SO packages. Both parts have been trimmed for offset voltage, gain, and linearity, so no further adjustment is necessary.
The MAX515’s buffer is fixed at a gain of 2. The MAX504’s internal op amp may be configured for a gain of 1 or 2, as well as for unipolar or bipolar output voltages. The MAX504 can also be used as a four-quadrant multiplier without external resistors or op amps. For parallel data inputs, see the MAX503 data sheet. For a hardware and software compatible 12-bit upgrade, refer to the MAX531/MAX538/MAX539 data sheet.
» Audio Systems
» Battery-Operated/Remote Industrial Controls
» Battery-Powered Test Instruments
» Digital Gain and Offset Control
» Machine- and Motion-Control Devices
Download free datasheet: MAX515 5V, Low-Power, Voltage-Output, Serial, 10-Bit DACs
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MAX515 5V, Low-Power, Voltage-Output, Serial, 10-Bit DACs
The MAX504/MAX515 are low-power, voltage-output, 10-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) specified for single +5V power-supply operation. the MAX504 can also be operated with ±5V supplies. The MAX515 draws only 140µA, and the MAX504 (with internal reference) draws only 260µA. The MAX515 comes in 8-pin DIP and SO packages, while the MAX504 comes in 14-pin DIP and SO packages. Both parts have been trimmed for offset voltage, gain, and linearity, so no further adjustment is necessary.
The MAX515’s buffer is fixed at a gain of 2. The MAX504’s internal op amp may be configured for a gain of 1 or 2, as well as for unipolar or bipolar output voltages. The MAX504 can also be used as a four-quadrant multiplier without external resistors or op amps. For parallel data inputs, see the MAX503 data sheet. For a hardware and software compatible 12-bit upgrade, refer to the MAX531/MAX538/MAX539 data sheet.
» Audio Systems
» Battery-Operated/Remote Industrial Controls
» Battery-Powered Test Instruments
» Digital Gain and Offset Control
» Machine- and Motion-Control Devices
Download free datasheet: MAX515 5V, Low-Power, Voltage-Output, Serial, 10-Bit DACs
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A transistor is a semiconductor device, commonly used as an amplifier or an electrically controlled switch. The transistor is the fundamental building block of the circuitry that governs the operation of computers, cellular phones, and all other modern electronics.
Modern transistors are divided into two main categories: bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and field effect transistors (FETs). Application of current in BJTs and voltage in FETs between the input and common terminals increases the conductivity between the common and output terminals, thereby controlling current flow between them. The transistor characteristics depend on their type. See Transistor models.
The term "transistor" originally referred to the point contact type, but these only saw very limited commercial application, being replaced by the much more practical bipolar junction types in the early 1950s. Today's most widely used schematic symbol, like the term "transistor", originally referred to these long-obsolete devices.[1] For a short time in the early 1960s, some manufacturers and publishers of electronics magazines started to replace these with symbols that more accurately depicted the different construction of the bipolar transistor, but this idea was soon abandoned.
- Bipolar junction transistor
- Field-effect transistor
- Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
- Tetrode transistor
- Pentode transistor
- Spacistor
- Surface barrier transistor
- Micro alloy transistor
- Micro alloy diffused transistor
- Drift-field transistor
- Unijunction transistors
- Darlington transistors
- Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs)
- Switches
- Amplifiers
- Computers
A transistor is a semiconductor device, commonly used as an amplifier or an electrically controlled switch. The transistor is the fundamental building block of the circuitry that governs the operation of computers, cellular phones, and all other modern electronics.
Modern transistors are divided into two main categories: bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and field effect transistors (FETs). Application of current in BJTs and voltage in FETs between the input and common terminals increases the conductivity between the common and output terminals, thereby controlling current flow between them. The transistor characteristics depend on their type. See Transistor models.
The term "transistor" originally referred to the point contact type, but these only saw very limited commercial application, being replaced by the much more practical bipolar junction types in the early 1950s. Today's most widely used schematic symbol, like the term "transistor", originally referred to these long-obsolete devices.[1] For a short time in the early 1960s, some manufacturers and publishers of electronics magazines started to replace these with symbols that more accurately depicted the different construction of the bipolar transistor, but this idea was soon abandoned.
- Bipolar junction transistor
- Field-effect transistor
- Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
- Tetrode transistor
- Pentode transistor
- Spacistor
- Surface barrier transistor
- Micro alloy transistor
- Micro alloy diffused transistor
- Drift-field transistor
- Unijunction transistors
- Darlington transistors
- Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs)
- Switches
- Amplifiers
- Computers